程雪阳:尊敬的德兰格教授(Prof.Roel De Lange),您好。我是一名来自中国的宪法学爱好者,目前在(荷兰)格罗宁根大学(University of Groningen)做联合培养项目。最近我认真拜读了您的《法院、议会与基本权利》一书,~①并从格罗宁根大学法学院的诸位教授那里得知,您不但是荷兰公法学界的领军人物,而且担任荷兰宪法修改委员会副主席一职。~②所以,想就荷兰宪法与司法审查的关系向您请教。德兰格:程,非常高兴接受你的采访。格罗宁根大学是荷兰最好的大学之一,有着悠
Cheng Xueyang: Dear Professor Prof.Roel De Lange, hello. I am a constitutional enthusiast from China and is currently co-developing at the University of Groningen (The Netherlands). Recently, I have carefully read your book “Courts, Parliaments and Fundamental Rights,” and learned from professors at the Faculty of Law of the University of Groningen that not only are you the leader of public law circles in the Netherlands, but also the Dutch constitutional amendment commission Vice-chairman. ~ ② Therefore, I would like to ask you about the relationship between the Dutch constitution and judicial review. Dranger: Cheng, very happy to accept your interview. Groningen is one of the best universities in the Netherlands with a long history