
来源 :河北自学考试 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dongdongthere
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河北自学考试随着我国教育“立交桥”的建立与完善,在职业教育领域率先实行了学历证书与职业资格证书(即“双证”)的沟通与衔接,充分发挥了职业教育服务社会的功能。笔者认为,自学考试也应努力推行“双证”沟通,以拓宽自学人员求职就业的渠道。一、明确自学考试教育在整个教育? Hebei self-study examination With the establishment and improvement of our education “overpass”, we have taken the lead in practicing vocational education by engaging in the communication and connection between diplomas and professional qualification certificates (ie, “Double Certificates”), and giving full play to the function of vocational education in serving the community. The author believes that self-study examinations should also strive to implement the “double permit” to broaden the self-study job-seeking employment channels. First, a clear self-study exam education throughout the education?
6. 地球赤道上的物体随地球自转的向心加速度为[a1],第一宇宙速度为[v1],地球半径为[R],地球同步卫星离地心的距离为[r],环绕速度为[v2],加速度大小为[a2],则( )  7. 近地人造卫星1和2绕地球做匀速圆周运动的周期分别为[T1]和[T2],设在卫星1、2各自所在的高度上的重力加速度大小分别为[g1]、[g2],则( )  8. 在某双星系统中发现的黑洞,若半径[R]约45km