1 问题的提出 目前,在公路可行性研究中,一般采用了投资回收期(T)、投资效果系数(即受益成本比η)、净现值(NPV)及内部收益率(IRR)四项投资、受益分析的主要评价,指标以判断方案是否可行并比选出最经济的方案。其计算方法一般采用列表法,分别计算出建设期及使用期逐年投资及效益的动态复利贴现累计值,再用查表和插入法求出总效益与总投资相等时的还本期(T),并据建设期及使用期内投资及效益的贴现累计值求算使用期末年的投资效果系数(η)及净现值(NPV),最后,用试算法求得净现值为零的内部收益率(IRR)。这种逐年逐项列表计算的方法相当繁复。 为了在机会研究和初步可行性研究阶段
1 PROBLEM PRESENT At present, in the feasibility study of the highway, the four investments such as investment payback period (T), investment effect coefficient (ie benefit cost ratio η), net present value (NPV) and internal rate of return (IRR) , The main evaluation of benefit analysis, indicators to determine whether the program is feasible and the most economical than the election program. The calculation method generally uses the list method to calculate the accumulated value of the dynamic compounding and discounting of the investment and benefit year by year from the construction period and the period of use respectively and then uses the look-up table and the insertion method to find the repayment period (T) when the total benefit and the total investment are equal. , And calculate the investment effect coefficient (η) and net present value (NPV) at the end of the useful life according to the cumulative discounted value of investment and benefits during the construction period and the period of use. Finally, Yield (IRR). This method of calculating on a yearly, itemized list is rather complicated. For the sake of opportunity research and preliminary feasibility studies