Shenyang Repertory Theater toured O’Neill’s play “Love Under the Elms,” and won a warm welcome from audiences in Beijing and Shanghai. Since the opening policy was implemented, various theater styles in Europe and the United States have been introduced, including a large number of absurd dramas and experimental plays with very weird forms or images. In the national arena, a variety of innovative ways generally flowering. At such moments, there has also been a rehearsal of the rehearsal of traditional foreign repertory programs. From Sophocles to Moliere, Rosetan and Chekhov, the recent Shakespeare Festival of Arts is even more spectacular. In this trend, the realistic style of the show is developing day by day. The performance of “Love Under the Elms” shows the most loyal realistic attitude (Director Zhang Fu Chen and director Zhu Jinglan) after the “Mah-jong” performed by Beijing Renaissance. This advocacy of realistic style, first manifested in the choice of play