编辑同志: 我是一名热带鱼爱好者。1999年12月,我去赵某家买鱼。我把选定的4条热带鱼单独放在一缸中,调好水温,准备第二天一早连缸带走,以防鱼适应不了水温、水质的突然变化,并交付了400元预付款。当天夜间,赵某住宅附近的供电线路发生故障,高压电流使鱼缸中的加温设备烧坏,4条鱼无一存活。我要求赵某归还我前一天所支付的400元鱼款,赵某则坚持要我交清剩余价款。请问我的预付款可以要回
Editor's Comrade: I am a tropical fish lover. December 1999, I went to buy a fish Zhao home. I put the selected four tropical fish alone in a cylinder, adjust the water temperature, ready for the next morning even with the cylinder away, to prevent the fish can not adapt to sudden changes in water temperature, water quality and delivered a 400 yuan advance. On the night of the same day, the power supply line near the residential area of Zhao was in trouble, the high-voltage current burned the heating equipment in the fish tank, and none of the 4 fish survived. I asked Zhao to pay me back the 400 yuan I paid the day before, while Zhao insisted that I pay the remaining price. May I ask for my advance payment