近年来,雪里红白粉病(Ersyiphe sp.)在银川市部分温室蔓延。据1986年在宁夏化工厂温室调查,发病率和病情指数均高达100%,严重影响了雪里红的生长及观赏价值。1986年3—6月,我们用25%粉锈宁 (西德)2000倍及与无毒高脂膜(河北张家口
In recent years, Ersyiphe sp. Has spread in some greenhouses in Yinchuan. According to a survey conducted in the greenhouse of Ningxia Chemical Plant in 1986, the incidence and disease index were as high as 100%, seriously affecting the growth and ornamental value of Xuelihong. March-June 1986, we use 25% triadimencin (West Germany) 2000 times and non-toxic high-fat film (Zhangjiakou, Hebei Province