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“在今年的党委书记抓基层党建工作述职考核中,四川蓬溪县严把党建工作实绩展示、抽样、述职三道关口,请党员、群众‘挑刺’,确保述真述实述出成效。”(《中国组织人事报》2014年12月3日)笔者认为,四川蓬溪县给领导述职“挑刺”的做法值得点赞。领导述职是干部考核的重要环节,述职是否全面、客观,一方面反映领导干部对组织和群众的忠诚度,体现领导干部对考核工作的重视程度;另一方面也关系到组织和群众对干部作 In this year’s party secretary of the grass-roots party construction job evaluation, Pengxi County, Sichuan strict party construction work show, sampling, debriefing three points, members, the masses ’pricks’ to ensure that the truth is true. “(” China Organization Personnel News “December 3, 2014) The author believes that Pengxi County, Sichuan Province to the leadership of the job description ” prick "approach deserves praise. Leading job description is an important part of the cadre appraisal. Whether the job description is comprehensive and objective, on the one hand, reflects the loyalty of the leading cadres to the organizations and the masses and reflects the emphasis placed by the leading cadres on the assessment work; on the other hand, it also involves the organization and the masses’
[摘 要]文章针对当前的教育背景,以创造性思维的培养为基础,阐述了高职学生创造性思维培养的现实意义和培养方法。  [关键词]高职院校 学生 创造性思维 培养    20世纪80年代以后,我国教育结构尤其是高等教育结构发生了巨大的变化,最突出的是高等职业教育被提到与普通高等教育同等重要的位置。国家多次提出要重视职业教育,并从人、财、物等方面予以大力支持。高职教育的任务是培养具有创新精神和实践能力的高