做一些自己懂行的事情,然后将其转变为自己所希望的模式 25岁的你正在做什么?是在为生活而灰头土脸地奔波,还是为遥遥无期的成功而迷茫?25岁的古尔巴斯克·查哈尔却创造了一个新的80后财富标签——他已经在跟雅虎的买卖中赚到了3亿美元。现在,他正在为自己的第三次“一夜暴富”做准备。
Do something that you know well and then turn it into what you want 25 years old What are you doing? Are you despised for life or for the foreseeable future success? 25-year-old Gourbask Chahar has created a new 80-year wealth label - he’s already made $ 300 million in deals with Yahoo. Now he is preparing for his third “Fortune Night”.