After Wang Jingwei’s clashed with the rebel forces, after conspiring with the Japanese militarists, the pseudo-regime was established in Nanjing on March 30, 1940. In order to inherit the law of the Republic of China, this group has taken the same form as the original government of Nanjing in respect of the name of the government, the establishment of its institutions, the “national flag” and other aspects. The following only from Wang pseudo-government so-called “flag” to determine the process of analysis of Wang Ching-wei traitors, traitors face. Shortly after his defection, Wang Jingwei, on May 28, 1939, presented the so-called “concrete solution to the current situation” to the Japanese government, in which he said: “We will not change the system and change the national flag.” However, the Japanese government rejected Wang’s request. In the same year in June 5