随着信息时代的来临,特别是中国加入WTO后日益激烈的市场竞争,实现信息化管理已经成为绝大多数企业领导的共识。和采用其它的先进技术手段一样,运用信息化管理的目的,就其根本而言,是为了提高效益。俗话说“工欲善其事,必先利其器”,因此,选择适合企业特点的信息化管理平台就成为成功实现信息化管理的根本。大量的事实证明,选用合适的管理系统能使企业管理产生质的飞跃,从而带来空前的效益;反之,则是事倍功半,劳命伤财,乱上添乱,效果适得其反。 通过分析一些失败的例子,我们不难得出问题的症
With the advent of the information age, especially after China's accession to the WTO increasingly fierce market competition, to achieve information management has become the consensus of the vast majority of business leaders. As with other advanced technologies, the purpose of using information management is simply to improve efficiency. As the saying goes, “Workers want good things, we must first sharpen their tools,” Therefore, the selection of information management platform for business characteristics has become the basis for the successful realization of information management. A large number of facts show that the selection of a suitable management system can make a qualitative leap in business management, resulting in unprecedented benefits; the other hand, it is less effective, labor-rich, chaos chaos, the effect is counterproductive. By analyzing some of the failed examples, we can easily come up with the symptoms of the problem