眼球运动是人体前庭功能检查的一个灵敏的观察窗口。其观察手段有肉眼观察法、Frenzel镜法、摄影法、眼震电图法 (ENG)、电视摄像法等〔1〕。1 977年Waldorf等在完全黑暗的环境中 ,采用红外线及红外线敏感的摄像机记录了眼球运动情况〔2〕。近年来人们逐渐认
Eye movement is the body’s vestibular function test of a sensitive observation window. The observation means of the naked eye observation method, Frenzel mirror method, photography, electronystagmography (ENG), TV camera method [1]. In 1977, Waldorf et al. Recorded the eye movements using infrared and infrared-sensitive cameras in a completely dark environment [2]. In recent years, people gradually recognize