1 Status of the Project Area Large-scale Water-saving Irrigation and Efficiency-enhancing Demonstration Project in Fugou County The main crops in the project area are wheat, corn and soybean. The main cash crops are melons, vegetables and cotton. The main irrigation is small-scale irrigation. With the development of industry and agriculture, the demand of groundwater is increased, groundwater can not be effectively replenished, and the phenomenon of over-mining is rather serious. As a result, the groundwater table has been declining year after year. However, the awareness of peasants in water crisis is not strong, irrigation of crops is flood irrigation, serious waste of water resources leads to a vicious cycle, high reject rate of wells, frequent updating of water supply equipment, increased irrigation costs and increased peasants’ burden, seriously affecting the increase of local grain output. Peasants Income. 2 water-saving irrigation efficiency demonstration project construction necessity