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她是阿庆嫂最早的扮演者,十余年前彻底退出舞台,从此深居简出。很多戏迷都想知道:那个塑造了干练机智的阿庆嫂的赵燕侠现在怎么样?她现在居住在北京南城的一所普通公寓。这位著名的京剧表演艺术家,自告别舞台后,深居简出,生活节俭。老伴去世后,就与一只白色小哈巴狗相依为伴。 She is the earliest actor A Qing Sao, more than ten years ago completely quit the stage, since then. Many fans want to know: that shaping the witty A Qingao Zhao Yan Xia now how? She now lives in a South Beijing apartment. The famous Beijing opera performing artist, after he said goodbye to the stage, reside in simple, life thrifty. After his wife died, he became associated with a white pug.
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