范崇斌同志的来信,通过全国供销合作总社转到中国农资集团公司连锁配送工程办公室。阅后,我们倍感鼓舞。来信对农资连锁配送经营寄予厚望,也提出了一些可供借鉴的建议。现将来信全文刊登如下,以倾听来自基层的心声。 如何在农资流通中引入连锁业态的新型理念?如何打造以“中国农资”为品牌的农资连锁配送体系?如何使农资连锁配送业务深入到农村的千家万户,使农民买得放心、买得方便、买得实惠?如何更好地服务于农资生产企业?如河有效地参与我国农业产业化?如何适应我国加入WTO以后农资行业面临的挑战?这是农资流通业内人士必须要回答的问题。中国农资集团公司在全国供销合作总社的领导下,大力开展了中国农资连锁配送为农服务工程,就是为了应对入世的挑战,就是为了让农民买到称心、实惠的农资商品;就是要打造一个响亮的国内农资流通品牌,就是要配合农业产业化建设,做出我们的贡献。为此,我们希望有更多的热心农资连锁配送事业的人、单位积极地参与其中。
Comrade Fan Chongbin’s letter, through the National Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives to China Agricultural Materials Corporation chain distribution project office. After reading, we are encouraged. Letter letters on the agricultural distribution chain high hopes, but also made some suggestions for reference. The full text of the letter is now published as follows, to listen to the voices from the grass roots. How to introduce a new concept of chain format in the circulation of agricultural materials? How to create a chain system of agricultural materials with “China’s agricultural capital” as a brand? How to make the chain-distribution business of agricultural materials go to all households in rural areas so that farmers can be assured How to better serve the agricultural production enterprises? Such as the river to effectively participate in China’s agricultural industrialization? How to adapt to China’s accession to the WTO after the agricultural industry is facing the challenge? This is the circulation of agricultural materials industry Must answer the question. Under the leadership of the National Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives, China Agricultural Materials Corporation has vigorously launched the chain agricultural service project in China. This is to meet the challenge of joining WTO and to allow peasants to buy desirable and affordable agricultural commodities. To create a resounding brand of domestic agricultural capital circulation is to make contributions to the construction of agricultural industrialization. To this end, we hope that more enthusiastic agricultural materials chain distribution business people, units actively involved.