In this paper, we studied the rock carrying capacity of foam in the horizontal annulus under simulated bottom hole conditions. The effects of polymer treatment agent, foam quality, flow rate, temperature and pressure on the rock carrying capacity of foam were studied in detail. Experiments were performed in a full-scale flow annulus with a test tube length of 73 ft (5 · 76 in × 3.5 in concentric annulus), changing temperature (80-170 °) and pressure (100-400 psi) Rock capacity changes. A more sophisticated field foam system was used which contained surfactant and hydroxyethylcellulose polymer (HEC). At the same time, the ability to carry rock under three different polymer concentrations (0,0.25% and 0.5%) was also tested. Foam quality varies between 70% and 90%. During the test, cuttings were continuously injected into the flow ring until it reached steady state. In-situ determination of the volume concentration of cuttings using a nuclear densitometer. Of course, it is also possible to calculate the cuttings concentration in the ring by weighing the cuttings content in and out of the flow ring. The experimental parameters for the experiment were the injection rates of gas and liquid, the quality of cuttings injected and the quality of cuttings in the removal tower, mixing density, friction pressure loss, pressure and temperature in the annulus, and so on. During the rock boring test, both the static cuttings bed and the full suspension fluid can be observed. Fluid flow parameters are mainly influenced by polymer concentration, foam quality and annulus velocity. Factors such as annulus flow rate, foam quality and polymer concentration can affect rock carrying efficiency and friction pressure loss. This article will help to better design drilling and well washing operations.