【摘 要】
水稳需水量受气候、品种、土壤、耕作措施、种植密度及不同的生育期等因素的影响。 1983年以来,湖南省常德地区澧阳平原灌溉试验站,按照水利部编制的《灌溉试验暂行规范》要
水稳需水量受气候、品种、土壤、耕作措施、种植密度及不同的生育期等因素的影响。 1983年以来,湖南省常德地区澧阳平原灌溉试验站,按照水利部编制的《灌溉试验暂行规范》要求,选择有代表性的丘块作为试验区。在试验区田中采用长3米、宽2米、深1.4米的水泥砂浆砖砌抹面的有底和无底测坑三组。尽量保持测坑与大田环境一致。1985年测定了测坑土壤理化状况,见表1。每天定时8点对水稻本田生育阶段需水量的观测,力求探索水
Water stable water demand is affected by factors such as climate, variety, soil, farming practices, planting density and different growth stages. Since 1983, the Xingyang Plain Irrigation Experimental Station in Changde, Hunan Province has chosen a representative hill block as the experimental area in accordance with the “Interim Provisions for Irrigation Tests” prepared by the Ministry of Water Resources. Tanaka in the test area using three meters long, 2 meters wide, 1.4 meters deep cement mortar brickwork bottom and bottomless pit test three groups. Try to keep measuring pit and field environment consistent. Measured in 1985 measured the soil physical and chemical conditions, see Table 1. 8:00 every day on rice Honda reproductive stage water demand observation, and strive to explore the water
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Chinas mainstream humanrights theory has undergone tremendous changes sincethe reform-and-opening scheme was kicked off in the early 1980s."Human rights," which
中图分类号:G831 文献标识:A 文章编号:1009-9328(2012)08-000-02 摘 要 各种新元素的融入为健美操运动注入了新鲜血液,但不少高校公体健美操教学止步于传统,忽视了大学生健身、娱乐以及个性发展的需要。在此基础上,作者提出了健美操教学的几点建议,以期为高校公体健美操教学改革提供参考依据。 关键词 高校 公体健美操 多维 健身健美操已从传统的健美操
On Feb.25, 2011,the 19th Session of the Standine Commlttee or the 11th National Peonles Congress, the countrys highest legislative body, approved the eighth ame
一、中学体育和健康教育有机结合的不利因素 (一)我国中学体育教学机制对中学生体育素质的影响 在我国的中学体育教学实践中过于倾向对于传授运动的技术为目的,并且各种中学生运动会成为了纯粹的竞技比赛,直接导致了中学生体育教学机制以竞技比赛项目为主的教学内容,这种教学机制阻碍了中学生身心的全面发展,并且这种教学机制与教育部的体育课程设置初衷相背离。教学机制应付考试现象特别突出,忽略了对中学生健身习惯,
On January 27,2012,So Chung,a Tibetan journalist with Lhasa-based Tibet.cn was sent to the hospital due to a hypokalemia attack on his way to take photos in the
一、大陆高校运动训练现状分析 (一)学校运动员的基本来源 根据调查,了解到目前各高校运动员来源主要有以下几种类型:第一种类型是从省、市级体校或体工队特招和挂靠的运动员约占15 %左右,其运动水平在一级左右,个别达运动健将级水平。从体工队特招的运动员虽然运动成绩好,但文化基础差,生活散漫,在校期间训练时间相对较多,但较难管理。挂靠运动员只代表学校参加高一级运动会的比赛,其主要任务是拿名次,待遇优
Human rights are one of the widely acknowledged value systems in the inteational community.The core of human rights lies in the life and dignity of human beings