病毒性心肌炎患者反复发生心室静止较少见。我院最近遇到1例,并经安置起搏器治疗成功,报告如下。 患者,男,19岁,因发作晕厥3小时于1989年8月12日入院。患者10天前感冒。入院当天晨7时许突感胸闷,头晕,坐起时晕倒伴短暂意识丧失。急诊ECG示:高度房室传导阻滞,遂给异丙肾上腺素静滴。平素体健。体检:体温、血压、呼吸均正常。
Viral myocarditis in patients with recurrent ventricular rest less common. I recently encountered in our hospital in 1 case, and the placement of pacemaker treatment success, the report is as follows. The patient, male, 19 years old, had a syncope for three hours on sepsis and was admitted on August 12, 1989. The patient caught a cold 10 days ago. On the morning of admission 7 o’clock suddenly felt chest tightness, dizziness, fainting when sitting with a brief loss of consciousness. Emergency ECG showed: atrioventricular block, then intravenous isoproterenol infusion. Usually physical health. Physical examination: body temperature, blood pressure, breathing are normal.