
来源 :人民司法 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zc81065442
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毛水洪受贿案是最高人民检察院2008年挂牌督办的第一批涉农职务犯罪案件之一。本案在查处过程中,发现毛水洪既有常规收受财物的受贿犯罪,又有低价购买房屋等新型交易型受贿犯罪,而且在交易型受贿行为中又涉及司法机关尚无案例借鉴的低价购买违章建筑物的特殊情况。违章建筑物的存在与我国当前房地产市场上存在的违规建筑、违法建筑以及大量的小产权房有密切的联系。对于国家工作人员利用职务上的便利,为他人谋取利益,非法收受或低价购买这类房屋的行为应当如何认定其性质和犯罪形态,是当前和今后一个时期受贿案件必将触及的一个新问题。本案的准确处理将具有范式作用,对类似的案件具有一定的借鉴意义。 Mao Hong flood bribery case is the Supreme People’s Procuratorate in 2008 supervised the handling of one of the first cases of agricultural crime. In the course of investigation and handling of this case, it was found that Mao Shui-hong has both the bribery offense of routinely accepting property and the new type of transactional bribery such as the low-cost purchase of housing. Moreover, it also involves the illegal purchase of low- The special situation of the building. The existence of illegal buildings and the current real estate market in China there are illegal buildings, illegal buildings and a large number of small property rights are closely linked. How to identify the nature and the criminal pattern of state housing staffs who use their positions for convenience, seek benefits for others, illegally accept or purchase such houses at low prices is a new problem that must be touched upon by bribery cases at present and in the forthcoming period . The accurate handling of the case will have a paradigm effect and will be of some reference to similar cases.