10月21日,上海海上搜救中心向上海市公安消防总队官兵发来感谢信,感谢官兵们成功处置“10·17”巴拿马“超级太阳”号(SUPER SUN)船舶火灾事故;7天后,上海海事局副局长晨晓光率队专程到消防总队走访慰问,高度赞扬上海消防部队在“10·17”火灾事故处置中表现出的战斗作风和技战术素养。海事局领导的感谢和来访,再次让消防官兵们回忆起了那个惊心动魄的救援场面……
On October 21, Shanghai Maritime Search and Rescue Center sent a thank-you letter to the officers and men of Shanghai Public Security Fire Brigade, and thanked the officers and men for the successful disposal of “10.17” Panama “Super Sun” ship fire accident. 7 Days later, Chen Xiaoguang, deputy director of the Shanghai Maritime Safety Administration, made a special trip to visit the Fire Brigade and paid tribute to the fire brigade and highly praised the fighting style and technical and tactical accomplishments demonstrated by Shanghai fire brigade in the “10.17” fire accident disposal. Thanks to the leadership of the MSA and the visit, once again let the fire officers and soldiers recalled that thrilling rescue scenes ......