德国搁置世仇放弃「走廊」与波兰修订十年的友好已是尽人皆知的事实了.两年以前德国种族学家谓日本民族中有「日尔曼民族的浸液」(Arische Einschlag)后,希特勒政府遂正式宣布日人与德人的通婚平等权利.去年德日两国无线电广播宣传又互通音问;其相互友好更可从退出国联,两国舆论对竞争军备互表同情,以及其他外交军事等事件上看出来.近来德波日三国秘密协定的风声又甚嚣尘上,如瑞士巴塞国民报(Basler National Zeitung)会继续刊登德波日三国军事合作准备进攻苏联的论文.本年二月七日瑞士晨报论英法伦敦协定对于苏联的影响一文内曾有如下
The fact that Germany shelved its hatred and renounced the corridor and Poland’s ten-year revision of the friendship was well known. Two years ago, when German ethnologists referred to the Japanese nation as “Arische Einschlag,” the Hitler administration Then formally declared the equal rights of marriages between Japan and Germany. Last year, the radio and television broadcasting between Germany and Japan exchanged intercommunication signals; their friendship with each other could even be withdrawn from the League of Nations, the sympathy of the two countries for their arms race against competition and other diplomatic and military issues, etc. It is evident from the incident that the clashes between the three countries in Debt and Japan have been heard recently, as the Basler National Zeitung in Switzerland continues to publish papers on preparations for the attack on the Soviet Union by military cooperation between the two countries. On the impact of the London-London agreement on the Anglo-French agreement, we have the following texts