一提起冰钓,一般都会认为, 无非是用“四小钓四小”。就是用小竿、小漂、小钩、小坠,钓小鲫瓜儿、小白条儿、小拐尖儿、小草棍儿(小草鱼)之类的小鱼而已,没多大意思。 不知是因为怕冷还是懒惰,前年的冬钓打一开始我就是一个缺席者,钓瘾一直没有发作。腊月的一天,钓友老李给我打电话,说他上个星期天玩冬钓,钓了一条5千克的大草鱼,引起了钓场的轰动。明天又是周末,还想再搏一回,问我去不去。当时我又兴奋又纳闷,小小冰眼儿里能钓上10斤重的大草
Mentioning ice fishing, generally think, is nothing more than “four small fishing four small.” Is the little pole, a small drift, a small hook, a small peck, catch small carp melon children, small white children, small abduction, grass stick (grass carp) like fish, not much meaning. I do not know because of fear of cold or laziness, the year before the winter fishing hit the beginning I was a absentee, addiction has never been seizures. One day of the twelfth lunar month, angling Lao Li called me and said he was playing winter fishing on a sunday last Sunday. He caught a 5-kilogram of big grass carp and caused a stir at the fishing grounds. Tomorrow is the weekend, want to fight another stroke, ask me to go. At that time I was excited and wondered, little ice-capped children can catch 10 pounds of heavy grass