2001~2003年,赤峰市水产科学研究所,在内蒙古自治区赤峰市红山水库进行了网箱养殖草鱼的生产试验,养殖面积20箱,500m~2,获得商品鱼8.6016万kg,平均单产4300.80 kg/箱,72.03kg/m~2,平均规格2.1kg,尾,产值68.8128万元,投入资金47.7574万元,收入21.0554万元,投入产出比为1:1.44,取得了显著成效。现将三年的试验情况总结如下:
From 2001 to 2003, Chifeng Institute of Fisheries Sciences, in Hongshan Reservoir, Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, conducted a trial of production of grass carp in cage culture area with 20 boxes and 500m ~ 2 of aquaculture area and obtained 86,016 kg of commercial fish with an average yield of 4300.80 kg / Box, 72.03kg / m ~ 2, the average size of 2.1kg, tail, the output value of 6881280000 yuan, invested 4775740000 yuan, income 210554 yuan, input-output ratio of 1: 1.44, achieved remarkable results. Now the three-year trial is summarized as follows: