人乳头瘤病毒(human papillomavirus,HPV)现已鉴定的约有130余种[1],它可引起尖锐湿疣等多种生殖道疾病,也可引起寻常疣,喉、结膜乳头瘤等非生殖道疾病,且与宫颈癌、阴茎癌、肛门癌、口腔癌等恶性肿瘤的发生密切相关,甚至在食道癌患者中也被检出[2]。生殖道的HPV感染多见于年轻女性[3],在妊娠期或分娩时可传播给胎儿或新生儿,导致婴幼儿各种并发症,如造成喉乳头状瘤等疾病,死亡率高且预后差[4~6]。目前关于妊娠期HPV感染的传播方式和途径的具体机制仍不十分明确,且其他影响因素也缺乏证据。
Human papillomavirus (HPV) has been identified about 130 kinds of [1], it can cause genital warts and other reproductive tract diseases, can also cause common warts, larynx, conjunctival papilloma and other non-genital tract Disease, and with cervical cancer, penile cancer, anal cancer, oral cancer and other malignancies are closely related, even in esophageal cancer patients were also detected [2]. Reproductive tract HPV infection more common in young women [3], during pregnancy or childbirth can be transmitted to the fetus or newborn, leading to various complications of infants and young children, such as the cause of laryngeal papilloma and other diseases, high mortality and poor prognosis [4 ~ 6]. At present, the specific mechanism of transmission and the way of HPV infection in pregnancy is still not clear, and other factors are lack of evidence.