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公安交警是文明出行的倡导者、践行者,更是守法出行的捍卫者。围绕创城工作,济南交警立足本职、主动担当,积极发挥主力军作用,推动形成党委领导、政府主导、部门协同、警种联动、社会参与的城市交通管理新格局;敢于担当负责,动真碰硬,以治理“一口两线”为切入点和着力点,创造了老年代步车管理的“济南治理模式”;勇于探索创新,提升效能,推出路口2.0革命,创新警务运行模式……济南交通秩序整治的新途径和新做法值得在全国各地学习、仿效和推广。7月13日,公安部交管局在济南市召开全国城市道路交通秩序整治现场推进会,推广学 Police traffic police is a civilized travel advocates, practitioners, but also the defender of law-abiding travel. Around the city work, Ji’nan traffic police based on their own job, take the initiative to play an active role as the main force to promote the formation of the party committee leadership, government-led, departmental coordination, police linkage, social participation in the new pattern of urban traffic management; dare to take charge, Hard to governance “a two-line ” as the starting point and focus, and created the elderly scooter management “Jinan governance model ”; courage to explore innovation, improve efficiency, the introduction of the junction of the 2.0 revolution, innovative police operation mode ... Jinan traffic order remediation of new ways and new ways worth learning across the country, follow and promote. July 13, the Ministry of Public Security Traffic Management Bureau held in Jinan City, the national urban road traffic regulation site promotion will promote science
中国工商银行组织各级分支机构结合行业特点,广泛开展形式多样、务实有效的学雷锋活动。将学雷锋常态化作为提升窗口服务、创建精神文明单位、推动社会主义核心价值观建的有效途径。  中国工商银行在党委宣传部《宣传工作信息》、官方公众号等宣传渠道开辟学雷锋专栏。各级分支机构通过线上线下多种渠道,广泛宣传基层学雷锋活动经验做法和活动中涌现出的先进集体和个人,引导干部员工将弘扬雷锋精神与践行“客户为尊,服务如意;