The pore structure is one of the characteristics of a styrene type adsorption resin (hereinafter referred to as an adsorption resin). The solvent has an influence on the pore structure of the adsorption resin, but it is not consistent. For this reason, a series of solvents with solubility parameters (δ_s), such as water, ethanol and benzene, were selected to treat adsorption resin. The adsorption method, mercury intrusion method, Electron microscopy and other methods to study the pore structure. If the solubility parameter of adsorption resin is δR, the pore parameters (such as specific surface area, pore volume, porosity, etc.) of dry resin increase with | ρS-ρR | and increase the adsorption Resin treatment, with a good solvent swelling, and then replaced by water for the best.