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在火灾的最早期,烟雾是其最主要特征,此时几乎没有火焰辐射。感烟探测器就是探测火灾早期产生的烟雾,并且向火灾报警控制器发出报警信号的一种探测装置。它具有发现早,响应快的特点,有利于火灾扑救的特点。因此,在建筑消防工程中,它是应用最为广泛的一种探测装置。按照工作原理的不同,主要分为离子型和光电型。 In the earliest days of the fire, smoke was its most prominent feature, with almost no flame radiation at this time. The smoke detector is a detection device that detects the smoke generated in the early stage of the fire and sends an alarm signal to the fire alarm controller. It has found early, fast response characteristics, is conducive to the characteristics of fire fighting. Therefore, it is the most widely used detection device in building fire protection engineering. In accordance with the different working principle, mainly divided into ion and photoelectric type.