Growth Responses of Trees to Micronutrients and Their Feedback Effect in Various Soil-Forest Ecosyst

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Vector analysis technique and ecological sequential comparison methods were adopted to study tree growth response to the micronutrients, B, Mo, Cu, Zn, Fe, and Mn, in soils derived from various parent materials in the forest area of Taihu Lake region in southeast China. The results showed that the dry weight of individual current-year needle of Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) grown on the soi1 derived from granite parent rock was increased by 8% and 13% in comparison with that grown on the soils derived from sandstone and ash-tuff parent rock, respectively. And such dry weight of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) grown on the soil derived from sandstone parent rock was increased by 21% in comparison with that on the soil derived from ash-tuff parent rock. One of the reasons for those results was that micronutrients content in the soil derived from ash-tuff parent rock were not sufficient to meet the requirement of the growth of Chinese fir and loblolly pine, i.e., micronutrients in soil were deficient and/or induced deficient. The amounts of Cu, Zn, Fe, and Mn uptake by Chinese fir and loblolly pine were in agreement with the contents of available micronutrients in soil respectively, except for B and Mo. Meanwhile, there might exist an “antagonism” between the uptake of B versus Mo by trees, although more studies are needed to confirm it. Regression analysis indicated that amount of a soil available micronutrient was correlated to the type of parent material and its total amount in the forest floor, except for B. The F test identified that the correlation of each equation reached the significant level to different extents, respectively. The t test confirmed that amount of available forms was mainly depended on the type of parent material for Mo, Cu, Zn and Mn but on the forest floor for Fe. There was a feedback effect of forest stand on the amount of soil available micronutrients. The ability of accumulating available micronutrients in soil was better by the sawtooth oak (Quercus acutissima) stand than by the Chinese fir stand (except for B). The ability of accumulating available Zn, Fe, Mn and Mo in soil was better by the Chinese fir stand than by the loblolly pine stand, while as for available B and Cu, by the latter was better than by the former. When discussing the effect of forest stand on the amount of soil available micronutrients, not only the amount of micronutrient in the forest floor and the parent materials but also the amount of micronutrient taken up by current-year needles have to be considered. Vector analysis technique and ecological sequential comparison methods were adapted to study tree growth response to the micronutrients, B, Mo, Cu, Zn, Fe, and Mn, in soils derived from various parent materials in the forest area of ​​Taihu Lake region in southeast China . The results showed that the dry weight of individual current-year needle of Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) grown on the soi1 derived from granite parent rock was increased by 8% and 13% in comparison with that grown on the soils derived from sandstone and ash-tuff parent rock, respectively. And such dry weight of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) grown on the soil derived from sandstone parent rock was increased by 21% in comparison with that on the soil derived from ash-tuff parent rock. One of the reasons for those results was that micronutrients content in the soil derived from ash-tuff parent rock were not sufficient to meet the requirement of the growth of Chinese fir and loblolly pine, ie, micronutrients in soi there are deficient and / or induced deficient. The amounts of Cu, Zn, Fe, and Mn uptake by Chinese fir and loblolly pine were in agreement with the contents of available micronutrients in soil respectively, except for B and Mo. Meanwhile, there might exist an “antagonism ” between the uptake of B versus Mo by trees, although more studies are needed to confirm it. Regression analysis indicated that amount of a soil available micronutrient was correlated to the type of parent material and its total amount in the forest floor, except for B. The F test identified that the correlation of each equation reached the significant level to different extents, respectively. The t test confirmed that amount of available forms was mainly depended on the type of parent material for Mo, Cu, Zn and Mn but on the forest floor for Fe. There was a feedback effect of forest stand on the amount of soil available micronutrients. The ability of accumulating available micronutrients in soil was better by the sawtooth oak (Quercus acutissima) stand than by the Chinese fir stand (except for B). The ability of accumulating available Zn, Fe, Mn and Mo in soil was better by the Chinese fir stand than by the loblolly pine stand, while as for available B and Cu, by the latter was better than by the former. When discussing the effect of forest stand on the amount of soil available micronutrients, not the amount of micronutrient in the forest floor and the parent materials but also the amount of micronutrient taken up by current-year needles have to be considered.
北京奥运会足球比赛将于2008年8月6日至23日在北京、上海、天津、沈阳和秦皇岛五个城市举办,有28支球队、600多名队员参加,其中男队16支,女队12支。秦皇岛将有男女足各6场比赛。    出来了!4月20日19时,北京丽晶饭店,2008奥运会男女足对阵情况及比赛场地以抽签形式得出结果:  女足,作为E组头号种子的中国队,与瑞典队、加拿大队和阿根廷队分在E组,获得了一个上上签;朝鲜队、尼日利亚队
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