
来源 :北京青年研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chywei
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青年社会学的诞生,体现了一种历史的与逻辑的高度一致性。作为现代性产物的青年,是这一学科的现实基础。而直接动力则是由现实生活提出的认识并改善青年在社会结构中的地位与作用的要求。同时,也是青年研究相关学科发展的一种合乎规律的结果。进入20世纪下半叶,来自后现代的挑战对青年社会学的发展进程带来不可回避的影响。经典的青年概念是现代性的产物,在后现代社会中,或者既便在现代社会中,由于可能存在后现代社会的成分,因此,都已不同程度地不再适用于当今青年。青年概念的重构成为了一种不可规避的历史命运。后现代成为了重构青年概念以及青年社会学的基本概念、范畴、理论的一个十分重要的背景动因和参照体系。而这种问题意识正是青年社会学内含反思性的一种体现。 The birth of youth sociology embodies a high degree of consistency between history and logic. Youth as a product of modernity is the real foundation of this discipline. Direct power, on the other hand, is a requirement put forward in real life to recognize and improve the status and role of youth in the social structure. At the same time, it is also a regular result of the development of disciplines related to youth research. In the second half of the 20th century, the challenges from the post-modern era brought unavoidable influence on the development of youth sociology. The concept of a classic youth, a product of modernity, is no longer suitable for today’s youth to varying degrees in postmodern societies, or even in modern societies, because of the possible existence of postmodern society. The reconstruction of the concept of youth has become an unavoidable historical destiny. Postmodernism has become a very important background motivation and reference system for reconstructing the concept of youth and the basic concepts, categories and theories of youth sociology. And this kind of problem consciousness is just an embodiment of reflection of youth sociology.
在频谱资源受限的情况下,非正交多址接入(non-orthogonal multiple access,NOMA)技术由于其良好的过载性能而受到广泛关注。首先,提出了基于复杂度受限的NOMA理论设计模型;接
<正> 吴谦,字六吉,安徽歙县人,清代著名医学家。关于吴谦的生卒年,由于缺乏详实的史料记载,目前许多医史书籍或名医传记等众说纷纭,莫衷一是。迄至目前,对吴谦的生卒年有三种
<正> 《金匮》第一篇第六条“师曰:吸而微数,其病在中焦,实比,当下之则愈,虚者不治。在上焦者,其吸促,在下焦者,其吸远,此皆难治。呼吸动摇振振者不治。”是一条颇难理解的条