The birth of youth sociology embodies a high degree of consistency between history and logic. Youth as a product of modernity is the real foundation of this discipline. Direct power, on the other hand, is a requirement put forward in real life to recognize and improve the status and role of youth in the social structure. At the same time, it is also a regular result of the development of disciplines related to youth research. In the second half of the 20th century, the challenges from the post-modern era brought unavoidable influence on the development of youth sociology. The concept of a classic youth, a product of modernity, is no longer suitable for today’s youth to varying degrees in postmodern societies, or even in modern societies, because of the possible existence of postmodern society. The reconstruction of the concept of youth has become an unavoidable historical destiny. Postmodernism has become a very important background motivation and reference system for reconstructing the concept of youth and the basic concepts, categories and theories of youth sociology. And this kind of problem consciousness is just an embodiment of reflection of youth sociology.