【摘 要】
After harvest, cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) storage roots undergo rapid postharvest physio-logical deterioration, producing blue-brown discoloration in the vasculature due to the production of polyphenolics (mainly quinones and coumarins) by enzymes
【机 构】
National Key Laboratory of Plant Molecular Genetics,CAS Center for Excellence in Molecular Plant Sci
After harvest, cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) storage roots undergo rapid postharvest physio-logical deterioration, producing blue-brown discoloration in the vasculature due to the production of polyphenolics (mainly quinones and coumarins) by enzymes such as polyphenol oxidase (PPO). Here, we report the application of hen egg-white lysozyme (HEWL), a natural PPO inhibitor, in transgenic cassava to repress the symptoms of postharvest physiological de-terioration. The HEWL-expressing transgenic plants had lower levels of the two main cassava coumarins tested, scopoletin and scopolin, compared with wild type. HEWL-expressing cassava also showed increased tolerance of oxidative stress. Overall, the lysozyme-PPO system proved to be functional in plants for re-pressing PPO-mediated commercial product browning.
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爱因斯坦指出,哲学可以被认为是全部科学之母.哲学探究的是所有事物的一般性规律,是对自然知识、社会知识与思维知识的概括与总结.哲学的观点是高度抽象的,它不涉及具体的学科,但它对具体学科的研究与学习乃至于一个具体问题的求解都有指导作用.人们的一切行为是受意识支配的,而支配行为的意识是人们所处的社会关系及外界其他因素作用于人脑的结果.数学家的“数学研究总是在某种哲学思想的指导下进行的”[1] ,学生的数学学习行为也受意识的支配.教学过程中常常发现,支配学生数学学习行为的意识更多的是教师作用于学生的“解题套路”,