白鲫原产于日本琵琶湖,是一种大型鲫鱼,原名源五朗鲫.1979年由广东中山大学生物系和该省水产研究所首次引进.1977年该省有关部门根据其体型和颜色特征定名为白鲫. 白鲫具有鲢鳙鱼类似的生物学特性,在同样生态条件下,用它代替鲢鳙鱼养殖,可以满足人们生活的需要,获得较高的经济效益.现将以白鲫为主要配养鱼类的养殖试验结果报道如下.
Crucian carp native to Japan Biwako, is a large crucian carp, formerly known as the source of Canglang crucian carp. In 1979 by the Department of Biology, Zhongshan University, Guangdong Province and the provincial Fisheries Research Institute for the first time introduced in 1977 the province departments according to their size and color characteristics named White carp Carassius auratus White carp has the similar biological characteristics of silver carp and bighead carp, under the same ecological conditions, it can be used to replace silver carp and bighead carp breeding, which can meet the needs of people’s life and obtain higher economic benefits. Breeding fish breeding test results are reported below.