在钻探施工中,钻杆折断是一种常见的事故.当折断钻杆处钻孔严重超径或孔壁上有沟槽,钻杆断头紧靠孔壁或沟槽时,在处理过程中往往找不到钻杆断头. 对找不到钻杆断头事故的处理,若采用一般处理方法均无效,可采用冲击法处理.冲击法是冲打折断钻杆的下部,改变其断头位置的一种方法. 冲击法的处理过程是这样的:配一套1.5米左右的粗径钻具下入孔内,并使之超前折断钻杆头十
In the drilling construction, the drill pipe fracture is a common accident.When the broken drill pipe at the serious over-size hole or groove on the wall, drill pipe breakage close to the hole wall or groove, during processing Often can not find the drill pipe breakage.Can not find drill pipe breakage handling, if the use of general treatment methods are invalid, can be used to deal with the impact method.Impact method is to hit the lower part of the drill pipe to break, change its broken head Location of a method. Impact method of processing is this: with a set of about 1.5 meters diameter drill into the hole, and make it ahead of the drill head ten