我不是旅行家,甚至也不是真正的旅游爱好者。只因多年从事地衣的研究,收集标本到过一些自然保护区和名山胜地。领略过那里的奇山怪石、湖光山色等别具一格的佳境,但在一个自然保护区内同时兼备多种景观生境的是我最近到过的内蒙古赛罕乌拉自然保护区。 赛罕乌拉自然保护区位于内蒙古赤峰市北部,离赤峰市300公里,距北京约600公里,是大兴安岭南部山地的典型地段,处在东亚阔叶林向岭北针叶林、森林向草原双重交汇的过渡地域。保护区集森
I am not a traveler, nor even a true tourist lover. Only for many years engaged in the lichen’s research, collected specimens to a number of nature reserves and famous resorts. There are unique sceneries such as strange rocks, lakes and mountains, but it is the Saihanwula Nature Reserve in Inner Mongolia that I recently visited in a nature reserve. Saihanwula Nature Reserve is located in the north of Chifeng, Inner Mongolia, 300 kilometers away from Chifeng City and 600 kilometers away from Beijing. It is a typical mountainous area in the Greater Daxing’an Mountains. It is located in the north coniferous forest of East Asia Broadleaved Forest and the double intersection of forest and grassland The transition area. Sanctuary Sanctuary