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实践教改是人才培养模式创新的重要组成部分,对促进学生创新能力、实践能力和学习能力的培养具有积极作用。体育专业不仅要求学生掌握基础的体育运动理论知识,而且对学生的实践、训练和操作能力提出了较高要求,因此,在开展体育实验教改工作时,要结合学生的学习特点、教学条件,采取有针对性的教育方法。文章结合实际教学经验,从多个角度提出了有利于提高实践教改效率的有效措施。一、尊重学生主体地位,加强师生情感沟通 Practical education reform is an important part of the innovation of personnel training mode, which plays an active role in promoting the cultivation of students’ innovative ability, practical ability and learning ability. The physical education major not only requires the students to master the basic knowledge of sports theory, but also puts forward higher requirements on students’ practice, training and operation ability. Therefore, when carrying out the reform of physical education experiment, we must combine the learning characteristics and teaching conditions of the students Targeted methods of education. Combining with the actual teaching experience, the article puts forward some effective measures to improve the efficiency of practical teaching reform from many aspects. First, respect for the dominant position of students, teachers and students to strengthen emotional communication
胃癌是我国常见的恶性肿瘤之一,其发病率与病死率在恶性肿瘤中位居前列。胃中上部癌的发病率呈逐渐上升趋势,我院2004-2009年收治胃中上部癌占总体胃癌比 Gastric cancer is
船体突然颤抖,行驶在渤海海域开往日本的“金炬”轮撞上了水下不明物体。货轮停稳后发现舵杆已经被撞弯,继续前进已经无望,这艘天津轮船有限 Hull suddenly trembled, drivi
She sat at the window watching the evening invade the avenue.Her head was leaned against the window curtains and in her nostrils was the odour of dusty cretonne
Two transmission curved crystal spectrometers are designed to measure the hard x-ray emission in the laser fusion experiment of Compton radiography of implosion
他始终秉持商者仁心、赤子诚心、华商同心,为国家的富强、海外侨胞的发展,为资源的合理配置、世界各国的互助共赢倾力奔走  2016年5月28日,侨商北京洽谈会开幕式、华商北京论坛在水立方举办,众华商领袖、业内专家、海外国际商会代表共话合作、建言献策。在推进“一带一路”战略实施的过程中,华商领袖们积极奔走,成为凝聚共识、增进友谊、开展合作的重要桥梁。  作为全国政协经济委员会副主任、中国侨联副主席、中国