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   A 1)Hindu Festival in Durban
  Once a white 2)enclave, Durban streets now reflect a variety of cultures. 3)This province has always been home to the largest Indian and Pakistani communities in South Africa.
  The Hindu festival of Kavadi, which takes place in February, is a celebration of the Hindu god known as the Lord Muruga. Devoted Hindus prepare to carry structures called Kavadis to the local temple. In order to purify themselves, participants 4)refrain from smoking, drinking and eating meat for weeks prior to the event. Devotees are sent into a 5)trance-like state, allowing themselves to be pierced all over. There’s no blood, no swelling, and they feel no pain.
  Since leather is made of the sacred cow, shoes cannot be worn. Everyone, then, walks barefoot over baking hot roads to the temple more than one mile away. Part of the 6)penance is walking barefoot on this very, very hot ground. OK, but I’m not going to complain, considering what everyone else has gone through today. Once in the temple, 7)offerings of milk are given to the Lord Muruga, then hooks are removed and the devotees are released from their trance.
  Reporter A: Do you do this often?
  Villager A: Every year. Three times a year.
  Reporter A: Three times a year you do this?
  Villager A: Yeah.
  Reporter A: And what do you do in your real life?
  Villager A: I’m [an] interior decorator.
  Reporter A: An interior decorator. How do you feel now?
  Villager A: Perfect. One hundred percent.
  Reporter A: You don’t have any pain anywhere.
  Villager A: Nothing. As long as you have the faith, you’ve got no problem.
   The Vha Venda People
  This is the 8)kraal of Chief Muraga, who rules over the Muraga village. The chief is always preceded by his wives and children. It is traditional for the Vha Venda women to 9)prostrate themselves before the elders and honoured guests of the chief.
  The whole village is preparing for a special celebration tonight. Venda girls from all the surrounding villages get together to perform a 10)ritual called the “Domba dance.”
  Eating here is very much a 11)communal affair, although the men and women do sit separately.
  Reporter B: What’s that? What is that?
  Villager B: 12)Termites.
  Reporter B: Termites?!
  Apparently, these little fellows are part of the local 13)staple diet. They’re cheap, plentiful, and full of protein. Mmm Mmm! I am looking forward to washing down my termite supper with some traditional African beer.
  After dinner and the beer, the celebrations begin in earnest. Celebrations 14)culminate with the traditional Domba dance. This is a coming of age celebration marking the passage of the Venda girls into womanhood. The story is told through a dance of 15)ancestral spirits and animals 16)imbued with magical powers, in this instance, the mystical white 17)python.


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牛顿在《原理》一书里说:“大自然不做徒劳无功的事。不必要的,就是徒劳无功的。”(Nature does nothing in vain. The more is in vain when the less will do.) 从以前听说鲑鱼妈妈的故事,就为之震撼至费解。直到有一天,忽然想起这样一个任性不争气的我,依然得到妈妈不停的爱,就悟到——可能一切都是母亲的本能吧!    2)Mammal m