住房和城乡建设部召开保障性安居工程进度和质量安全工作会议 研究部署推进保障性安居工程和质量安全工作

来源 :城市规划通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qiushuiweishen
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8月16日,住房和城乡建设部召开保障性安居工程进度和质量安全工作会议,总结保障性安居工程建设进度情况,研究部署推进保障性安居工程和质量安全工作。住房和城乡建设部党组书记、部长姜伟新作重要讲话,部党组成员、副部长齐骥主持会议并讲话,部党组成员、副部长郭允冲出席会议并讲话。 On August 16, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development held a meeting on the progress and quality and safety of affordable housing projects to sum up the progress of the construction of affordable housing projects and to study the deployment and promotion of affordable housing projects and quality and safety work. Minister of Housing and Urban-Rural Party Secretary Jiang Weixin made an important speech. Party members and vice-minister Qi Ji presided over the meeting and delivered speeches. Guo Yunchong, member of the Ministry Party Committee and deputy minister attended the meeting and delivered a speech.