Hepatitis B virus pre S1 deletion is related to viral replication increase and disease progression

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:happer34
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AIM:To investigate the clinical implications of hepatitis B virus(HBV) pre S1 deletion.METHODS:We developed a fluorescence resonance energy transfer-based real-time polymerase chain reaction(RT-PCR) that can detect four genotypes(wild type, 15-bp, 18-bp and 21-bp deletion).The PCR method was used in two cohorts of Korean chronic HBV subjects with genotype C infections.Cohort Ⅰ included 292 chronic HBV subjects randomly selected from Cheju National University Hospital(Jeju, South Korea) or Seoul National University Hospital(Seoul, South Korea), and cohort Ⅱ included 90 consecutive chronic HBV carriers recruited from Konkuk University Hospital(Seoul, South Korea); the cohort Ⅱ patients did not have hepatocellular carcinoma or liver cirrhosis.RESULTS:The method proposed in this study identified 341 of 382 samples(89.3%).Deletion variants were identified in 100(29.3%) of the 341 detected samples.In both cohorts, the subjects with deletions had a significantly higher Hepatitis B virus e antigen(HBe Ag)-positive seroprevalence [cohort Ⅰ, wild(51.0%) vs deletion(75.0%), P < 0.001; cohort Ⅱ, wild(69.2%) vs deletion(92.9%), P = 0.002] and higher HBV DNA levels [cohort Ⅰ, wild(797.7 pg/m L) vs deletion(1678.9 pg/m L), P = 0.013; cohort Ⅱ, wild(8.3 × 108 copies/m L) vs deletion(2.2 × 109 copies/m L), P = 0.049], compared to subjects with wild type HBV.CONCLUSION:HBV genotype C pre S1 deletion may affect disease progression in chronic HBV subjects through an extended duration of HBe Ag seropositive status and increased HBV replications. AIM: To investigate the clinical implications of hepatitis B virus (HBV) pre S1 deletion. METHODS: We developed a fluorescence resonance energy transfer-based real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) that can detect four genotypes The PCR method was used in two cohorts of Korean chronic HBV subjects with genotype C infections. Cohort I included 292 chronic HBV subjects randomly selected from Cheju National University Hospital (Jeju, South Korea ) or Seoul National University Hospital (Seoul, South Korea), and cohort II included 90 consecutive chronic HBV carriers recruited from Konkuk University Hospital (Seoul, South Korea); the cohort II patients did not have hepatocellular carcinoma or liver cirrhosis. Methods proposed in this study identified 341 of 382 samples (89.3%). Deletion variants were identified in 100 (29.3%) of the 341 detected samples. both both cohorts, the subjects with deletions had a significantly higher Hepatitis B virus cohort Ⅱ, wild (69.2%) vs deletion (92.9%), P = 0.002], and higher (51.0%) vs deletion (75.0% Compared with the deletion (2.2 × 109 copies / m L), cohort Ⅱ wild (797.7 pg / m L vs vs deletion (1678.9 pg / m L), P = 0.013) m L), P = 0.049], compared to subjects with wild type HBV. CONCLUSION: HBV genotype C pre S1 deletion may affect disease progression in chronic HBV subjects through an extended duration of HBe Ag seropositive status and increased HBV replications.
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