随着中国改革开放事业的成功,国内外关于中国模式的研究日渐增多.然而,大多数学者尤其是西方学者在研究中国模式时,往往会回避中国的政治模式,仅仅把中国模式局限于中国在经济上的成功.但实际上,如果不讨论中国的政治模式,就很难理解中国的经济模式,因为到目前为止,中国的经济模式正是中国的政治模式促成的.对很多发展中国家而言,如何建立稳定的政治社会秩序是其面I艋的艰巨挑战,对此,中国模式的政治和经济内涵都非常具有借鉴意义.,With the success of China’s reform and opening up, increasing attention has been paid to the Chinese model of development both in China and abroad. However, in studying the Chinese model, many scholars, particularly West ones, have avoided studying China’s political model. Instead, they have conceptualized the Chinese model of development as a matter of purely economic success. Actually, it is extremely hard to understand the Chinese economic model without discussing the Chinese political model, because it is China’s political model that has driven the success of its economic model. Many underdeveloped countries face the grave challenge of building a stable political and social structure. There can be no doubt that the political and economic implications of the Chinese model of development provide a valuable lesson in this respect.