我们告诉大家如何使用Photoshop提供的工具让每一幅照片变得尽善尽美。软件准备:Photoshop CS6学习目标:改善画面构图.还原过曝的高光细节.校正画面色偏及镜头色差。操作耗时:15分钟我们看到的画面往往和我们拍摄的照片存在差异。人眼很擅长在各种不同的光线条件下分辨场景的准确颜色,而相机的“大脑”即便是分辨场景冷暖这样的基本工作有时候也干得非常吃力。
We tell everyone how to use Photoshop tools to make every picture perfect. Software Preparation: Photoshop CS6 Learning Objective: Improve the picture composition. To restore the highlights of the overexposed. Correction of color cast and color cast. Time-consuming operation: 15 minutes we often see the picture and we have taken pictures of the differences. The human eye is good at resolving the exact colors of the scene under a variety of lighting conditions, and the basic work of the camera’s “brain,” even when it comes to spotting the warmth of a scene, can sometimes be very laborious.