自清代始,特别是光绪年间以后,广州娼妓业就比较“发达”了。进入民国后,广州娼妓业又得到畸形发展。 一 1911年10月10日武昌起义后,广州于12月9日宣布独立,各路民军纷纷进入广州,妓女皆被民军冲散。广东独立后,先后任广东都督的胡汉民、陈炯明在1912年春、夏间均发布过禁娼的命令。胡汉民鉴于广州仍有开设妓馆的情况,发出令示谓:“娼妓营业既不正当,……嗣后如果有未经禀准擅令开设娼寮者,仰即将准许开业长官严拿究办,以肃官纪而靖地方。”当时担任广东军政府警察厅长的陈景华,严格执行胡汉民、陈炯明的禁娼政策。他主持的警察厅为此采取了一系列得力的措施。警察厅拟制出《取缔娼妓章程》,呈军政府
Since the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, especially after the Guangxu period, prostitution in Guangzhou was more “developed”. After entering the Republic of China, prostitutes in Guangzhou have been abnormal development. After the Wuchang Uprising on October 10, 1911, Guangzhou declared its independence on December 9, and all the militias from all walks of life went into Guangzhou one after another. The prostitutes were all separated by the Chinese army. After the independence of Guangdong, Hu Hanmin and Chen Jiongming, captains of Guangdong captains, successively issued the order of banning prostitution in the spring of 1912 and the summer. In view of the fact that there is still a courtesy hall opened in Guangzhou, Hu Hanmin issued the following statement: “The prostitution business is neither justified nor will it ... Later, if there is any unauthorized establishment of prostitution workers, Yang will allow the Chief Executive to study strictly Sukunji and Jing place. ”At that time, Chen Jinghua, the director of the Guangdong Military Government Police Department, strictly implemented the banning of prostitution policy by Hu Hanmin and Chen Jiongming. The police department under his auspices has taken a series of effective measures to this end. Police Department prepared a “banned prostitute charter”, was military government