最近美国《商业周刊》2003年第一期评选出世界十五位最杰出经理人,日本首家税前盈余超过1兆日元(87.4亿美元)的企业--丰田,其社长张富士夫(Fujio Cho)名列榜上。在日本经济被人形容为“处在黑洞看不见曙光”之际,张富士夫此时能获选,具有典范的意义与价值。 张富士夫认为,日本要脱离困境,无论是制造、服务业或者是政府,唯一的良方就是打破传统产业(部门)藩篱,也就是要改变僵固思维模式,引进“丰田式的生产管理。”
Recently the United States “Business Week” in the first period of 2003 selected the world’s fifteen most outstanding managers, Japan’s first pre-tax surplus of more than 1 trillion yen ($ 8.74 billion) of the company - Toyota, its president Zhang Fujifu ( Fujio Cho ranked on the list. When the Japanese economy was described as “invisible to the black hole,” Zhang Fujiev was selected at this time, with exemplary significance and value. According to Zhang Fujifu, if Japan wants to escape from its predicament, whether it is manufacturing, service industry, or the government, the only good prescription is to break the barriers of traditional industries (departments), that is, to change the rigid mode of thinking and introduce “Toyota-style production management.” "