临床资料本组共20例,均为男性,年龄19~50岁,平均31岁,均为烧伤复合伤。烧伤面积为2%~53%(Ⅱ~Ⅲ)度;烧伤部位以面、颈、手为主,分别为19、12和15例。伤员距爆炸中心50m 左右7名,距400m 左右者13名,所发生的爆炸复合伤有所不同。详见附表。讨论一、烧伤普遍存在,同时伴有复合伤。本组20名伤员均有不同程度烧伤,其发生率100%,同时有不同程度的复合伤存在。二、烧伤多表现在暴露部位。本组面、颈及手部烧
Clinical data of the group a total of 20 cases were male, aged 19 to 50 years, mean 31 years old, are burns combined injury. Burn area was 2% ~ 53% (Ⅱ ~ Ⅲ) degrees; burns site to face, neck, hand-based, respectively, 19,12 and 15 cases. The casualties were about 50 meters away from the explosion center, about 13 from about 400 meters, and the explosion and composite injuries that occurred were different. See schedule. Discussion First, the burn is widespread, accompanied by multiple injuries. The group of 20 wounded patients have different degrees of burn, the incidence of 100%, while varying degrees of complex injuries exist. Second, burn more exposed parts. This group of face, neck and hand burning