通过对新钢2×360 m2烧结工程Ⅰ期烧结机台车拦板裂纹进行测量和统计,分析了除材质和制作原因之外,生产使用情况、自然环境等因素对台车栏板产生裂纹的影响。结果认为,工艺温控及自然环境等也会影响到裂纹的产生。因此,生产过程中,必须精心调控工艺温度,在力所能及的条件下改善工作环境,从而延长烧结机台车栏板的使用寿命。
Based on the measurement and statistics of the crack of the first stage sintering machine pallet of 2 × 360 m2 sintering project of Xingang Steel, the cracking and cracking of the tailgate of the trolley were analyzed in addition to the reasons of material and manufacture, production and use, natural environment and other factors influences. The results show that the process temperature control and the natural environment will also affect the crack. Therefore, the production process, we must carefully control the process temperature, to the best of their ability to improve the working environment, thereby extending the life of sintering machine railings.