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鲜花献给模范,掌声传递感动。近期,中部战区第65集团军某机步旅“把青春推进枪膛”暨第三届“最美官兵”颁奖典礼现场战歌嘹亮、掌声如潮,悠扬婉转的音乐与经久不息的喝彩成为献给41名“最美官兵”的青春勋章。激昂的旋律涌动的情,火红的青春最美的兵。整场演出以讲述“最美故事”、讴歌“最美官兵”为主线,导向鲜明、形式活泼、兵味浓郁,用音乐、舞蹈、曲艺等艺术形式,多角度展现了官兵听党指挥、矢志强军的崭新风采,抒写了官兵苦练精兵、为打胜仗的壮志豪情。 Flowers dedicated to the model, applause passed. Recently, the 65th Army Corps of the Central Theater held a solo battle at the awards ceremony of “Promoting Youth in the Barrel” and the Third “Most Beautiful Officers and Soldiers” ceremony. The battle song was loud, applause, melodious music and prolonged applause Become dedicated to 41 “the most beautiful soldier ” youth medal. Passionate melody surging love, flaming youth the most beautiful soldiers. The whole performance is directed by the most beautiful stories, the most beautiful officers and soldiers in Acura, the most beautiful officers and soldiers, with vivid and vivid forms and strong military tastes. The performances of officers and soldiers are guided by the party’s command from multiple perspectives in the form of music, dance and folk art , Determined to open a new army style, express the officers and men to train hard soldiers, to win the ambitions of pride.
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