Electronic market models for decision support systems on the Web

来源 :Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:boosmm
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With the prevalence of the Web, most decision-makers are likely to use the Web to support their decision-making. Web-based technologies are leading a major stream of researching decision support systems (DSS). We propose a formal definition and a conceptual framework for Web-based open DSS (WODSS). The formal definition gives an overall view of WODSS, and the conceptual framework based on browser/broker/server computing mode employs the electronic market to mediate decision-makers and providers, and facilitate sharing and reusing of decision resources. We also develop an admitting model, a trading model and a competing model of electronic market in WODSS based on market theory in economics. These models reveal the key mechanisms that drive WODSS operate efficiently. With the prevalence of the Web, most decision-makers are likely to use the Web to support their decision-making. Web-based technologies are leading a major stream of researching decision support systems (DSS). We propose a formal definition and a conceptual framework for Web-based open DSS (WODSS). The formal definition gives an overall view of WODSS, and the conceptual framework based on browser / broker / server computing mode employs the electronic market to mediate decision-makers and providers, and facilitate sharing and reusing of decision resources. We also develop an admitting model, a trading model and a competing model of electronic market in WODSS based on market theory in economics. These models reveal the key mechanisms that drive WODSS operate efficiently.
战场上,石达开是曾国藩的苦手。  本来两人用兵,一善用正,一善出奇,各有千秋。  可曾国藩自出兵以来,遇石达开,始一败再败。他与石达开第一次交手,是在湖口。那时,他率湘军水师,势如破竹,直扑湖口。石以大船载沙石,沉堵航道,于湖口西岸扼一隘口,湘军水师突入,被石氏堵塞隘口,分割在外江和内湖,分别击之。  曾国藩因座船被夺,文牍俱失,愤而投江,被左右救起,棹入陆营。此后,石氏已占江西大部,曾氏被困于南
北大因蔡元培,从此确立其现代传统和校格。而蔡元培也因北大,成为中国伟大的教育家1916年9月1日,身在法国游学的蔡元培。收到中国驻法使馆转来的电报。电报是时任民国政府教育部长的范源濂发来的:聘请他担任北京大学校长。   由此,蔡元培最辉煌的时期到来,并且因为他对大学教育体系的创立,被浓墨重彩地载入中国教育史。    北大曾经的腐败     这个范源濂,在1912年,当蔡元培就任民国政府第一任教育部