Known as “the most painful old man living in contemporary China,” Ba Jin used his life to unravel the long, tragic world of Chinese society in the post-feudal era. Whether it is “demise,” “cold night,” “love Trilogy ”,“ Torrent trilogy ”,“ Anti-Japanese Trilogy ”, etc. In these feudal burial song novels, we all feel the painful cry, the lonely exploration, the lingering Yu 悒. A personal thing that comes out of his pen seems to be a living creature moving in the haze and damp cold fog. However, the series of characters that he has drawn to the readers, such as the new generation of Juehui, Juexin, Mingfeng and Mei Cousin, vividly entered the hearts of generations, using the warmth of humanitarianism and love Warm thousands of readers, and even burn into the driving force of action, into a social action. Chinese social gear at