纽约国际面料展(春季) 展会英文名称:INTERNATIONAL FASHION FABRIC EXHIBITION展出日期:2003/03/11至2003/03/13展会地点:美国纽约 Jacob Javits 会议中心展览周期:每年两届参展商品:服装纺织面料和辅科承办单位:中国纺织品进出口总公司展会介绍:纽约国际面料展是北美地区最大,美国最综合性的面料展,一年两届。3月的展会展示2004年春夏流行趋势。10月的展会则展出2004年秋冬时尚面料。该展会为买家、生产商和设计师提供了一个良好的交易环境.每届都吸引了世界70多个国家的生产商和买家,其中包括 Calvin Kleln、Disney、Fila USA、Nike、OldNavy 等大公司买家。展馆分为纺织品(Textile)、欧洲纺
INTERNATIONAL FASHION FABRIC EXHIBITION Exhibition Date: 2003/03/11 to 2003/03/13 Venue: Jacob Javits Convention Center, New York, USA Exhibition Period: Two times a year Exhibits: Apparel and Textile Fabrics and auxiliary subjects Organizers: China National Textile Import and Export Corporation Exhibition Description: New York International Fabric Fair is the largest in North America, the United States the most comprehensive fabric exhibition, twice a year. The March show shows the spring and summer 2004 fashion trends. October show is on display in the fall and winter 2004 fashion fabrics. The fair offers a good trading environment for buyers, manufacturers and designers, each attracting manufacturers and buyers in over 70 countries around the world, including Calvin Klein, Disney, Fila USA, Nike, OldNavy, etc. Large company buyers. Pavilion is divided into textiles (Textile), European spinning