
来源 :广告大观(标识版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wecofe
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随着城市建设的发展,标识系统已逐渐成为管理者向公众传递信息、规范公众行为的重要媒介。本文通过对上海新建旅游景点和世博会的实地考察与分析比较,提出了标识系统在诸如公园等景点内规范公众行为、方便园方管理的方法,体现了标识系统在公众与管理者之间的沟通桥梁作用。 With the development of urban construction, the identification system has become an important medium for managers to transmit information to the public and standardize public behavior. Based on the field investigation and analysis of the new tourist attractions in Shanghai and the World Expo, this paper proposes a method for regulating the public behavior and facilitating the management of the park by the identification system in such scenic spots as parks, which reflects the communication between the public and the manager Bridge effect.
Hepatitis E viral infection has traditionally been considered an acute, self-limited, water borne disease similar to hepatitis A, endemic to developing countrie
研究单位:美国约翰霍普金斯大学(John Hopkins Uni-versity)循证实践中心研究背景:新型的口服降糖药持续不断地涌入市场,急需有关口服降糖药的有效性和安全性的比较的循证依
文章重点分析了气候变化和水文水资源之间的作用关系,并在此背景下,提出了弱化不利影响的措施,旨在为气候变化研究工作提供一定参考。 This paper focuses on the analysis
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AIM: To compare the nutritional status between alcoholic compensated cirrhotic patients and hepatitis C virus(HCV)-related cirrhotic patients with portal hypert
AIM: To assess the impact of Helicobacter pylori(H. pylori) genotypes and patient age and sex on the development of gastric diseases.METHODS: H. pylori-infected