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一、保健药品与保健食品的研究现状保健药品与保健食品是介于食品与药品之间,保证和维护人体健康的物品。近年来,许多国家均投入了相当的力量从事保健药品和保健食品方面的研究。苏联以Brekhman教授为代表的学派,十分重视以中药为主体的东方医学。他们曾对人参、刺五加、红景天、北五味子等进行过系统的研究,在“适应原学说”的基础上,建立了一门新学科“保健药理学”(Pharmacosanation)。他认为:保健药品与保健食品是作用于人体第三态(The third state)或称诱病态(Elicit illness state)的物品。根据他的理论:人有健康状态、疾病状态、第三状态,第三状态是介于健康与疾病状态之间的一种状态。当第三状态积累到一定程度时,人体就要产生疾病。而人参、刺五 First, the research status of health medicines and health foods Health medicines and health foods are between the food and medicine to ensure and safeguard human health. In recent years, many countries have invested considerable effort in the research of health medicines and health foods. The school represented by Prof. Brekhman in the Soviet Union attached great importance to oriental medicine based on traditional Chinese medicine. They have conducted systematic research on ginseng, Acanthopanax, Rhodiola, and Schisandra, and established a new discipline called “Pharmacosanization” based on the “adaptation theory”. He believes that health medicines and health foods are objects that act on the third state or the Elicit illness state. According to his theory: people have a state of health, a state of illness, a third state, and a third state is a state between health and disease states. When the third state accumulates to a certain degree, the human body will have a disease. And ginseng, thorn five