劳伦斯·科尔伯格(Lawrence Koh-lberg)教授(先在芝加哥、最近在哈佛大学工作)发现,人的道德品质是发展的,道德的成长表现为一定的发展顺序。不论文化或亚文化的特点,不论其所处地域的不同,这种道德成长的特定顺序是固定的。人的道德品质表
Professor Lawrence Koh-lberg (first in Chicago and most recently at Harvard University) found that human morality is developmental and moral growth is a definite order of development. Regardless of the characteristics of culture or subculture, the specific order in which such moral growth takes place is fixed irrespective of the geographical area in which they are located. Human morality table