为了解决湖北省鹤峰县高海拔烟区烟苗移栽后温度低、成活慢、抗逆性弱等烤烟生产问题,采用田间试验研究了双膜单架移栽方式对其烤烟生长和经济效益的影响。结果表明:1)采用双膜单架移栽的烟苗提前4d进入团棵期,采收结束期提早6d,上等烟比例增加23百分点,均价提高1.65元/kg,产量增加208.5kg/hm2,经济效益增加8 308.6元/hm2。2)采用双膜单架移栽可提高烟苗移栽后的生长温度,使烟苗及时成活,烟叶长势好,叶斑病发病率降低,大田烟叶生长整齐一致,分层落黄明显,上部烟叶的赤星病斑明显减少,中上部烟叶的成熟度好,杂色少,后期烟叶的成熟度增加,烟叶内含物质的协调性较好,外观质量变好,产量明显增加。
In order to solve the problem of flue-cured tobacco production, such as low temperature, slow survival and weak resistance, after transplanting, the double-film single-frame transplanting method was used to study the growth and economic benefits of flue-cured tobacco Impact. The results showed as follows: 1) The tobacco seedlings transplanted with double-membrane frame moved into the Tuanchu period four days ahead of schedule and the harvesting ended earlier by 6 days, the proportion of superior tobacco increased by 23%, the average price increased by 1.65 yuan / kg and the output increased by 208.5kg / hm2, economic benefits increased 8 308.6 yuan / hm2.2) double-membrane single-frame transplanting can increase the growth temperature of tobacco seedlings transplanted to make tobacco seedlings live in good time, tobacco grows well, the incidence of leaf spot decreased, The growth of neat and unobvious, hierarchical yellowing obvious, the upper part of the leaves of erythema lesion was significantly reduced, the upper part of the tobacco maturity, less variegated, the maturity of late tobacco increased tobacco content of better coordination, appearance quality Become better, output increased significantly.